The Birthday Bunny

This time 3 years ago today, we brought our Little Miss A home from the hospital. A beautiful bundle of pink.   Here she is a bundle of curls, turning 3.  She loves animals, babies and dances around this house instead of walking.  She is always singing and creates...

Wishing for an Organised Home Office Space

Last year I was on a mission to turn our house into a home.  We would tackle “One Space At A Time”  transforming it into a purposeful, organised and gorgeous part of our family home. We made a good start and over the year “made over” many spaces, but...

Easter Activity – Lacing/Threading

Ok Tot School peeps, here it is an “Eater – Bunny Lacing” card.   Lacing (or threading) encourages pincer grip, finger control and hand eye coordination, all of which are essential pre-school and school skills.   There are many ways you can encourage these skills, at home, everyday.  Cutting,...

Easter Activities – Size Sequencing

The next activity in our Easter “Tot School” is sequencing according to size.  Although size is generally a maths concept, sequencing itself is a cross curricular skill required in Maths, English, Science and History.  When you are teaching this activity be sure to use and encourage vocabulary such as;...

Sharing the dream

I am a dreamer.  Easily distracted and often half living in a world that does not yet exist.  I say yet, because I whole heartedly believe if I can picture it, it will be real.  You see, I have a thing for houses.  Growing up in a family, where...

Easter Activities – Patterning

An often over looked, but perhaps one of the most important “educational” skills children acquire is patterning. Learning how to recognise, create and extend patterns is not only an integral maths skill but helps your child acquire language, process words and recognise text structure when reading. There are many...

Easter Activities – Cute Chick Counting

Over the coming weeks our “Tot School” will have an Easter theme.   The first activity I have created is a “Cute Chick Counting”    My Pigeon Pair – Cute Chick Counting Simply Download Print Cut each card Laminate and cut again (for longevity) Put in a “Busy Bag”...

Organising, Labelling and Finally Finishing.

Life just gets busier and busier. Somewhere along the line of my “Year Off” from work, I took on a new job! It was an opportunity that I could not pass up and I am starting to get into the swing of the new work from home routine. Best...

Master O Turns 6 – The Party Bags and THE CAKE!

Everybody loves a great “Goodie” bag.  Kids Birthday Parties are no exception.  Filled with the hope that they will be brimming with treasures, they eagerly look inside.  Within an hour the contents have been either eaten or destroyed!  All that “rubbish” that seems to be “cheap” adds up once...

Master O Turns 6 ~ The Party Prep

Things have been a little quiet on the My Pigeon Pair blog, not so much in the My Pigeon Pair Household.  One little man has been turning 6.  I say turning as in typical 6 year old fashion the celebration has been spread out over a number of days....