Spring Sitting

The start of Spring is here and with it brings sunny morning walks along the lake. Oh and sitting in the strangest places complete with cat hat and gumboots. Linking up with ...

The Reluctant Cleaner

I just wanted to set the record straight. With all these Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog posts and photos about The Organised Housewife’s 20 Day Challenge, there is something I wanted to tell you.   Cleaning does not come naturally to me.  I struggle.  I try ever so hard, but...

Organising and Cleaning The Kitchen

Day 1 of “The Organised Housewife’s 20 Day Challenge” and we are Cleaning and Organising The Kitchen. Let me start by saying that our Kitchen was in an average state.  It is the hub of our home.  Literally.  You can see it from the living and dining room, there...

Establishing A Morning Routine

 As part of “The Organised Housewife’s 20 Day Challenge” we are establishing some new routines in our house.  When I say new I really mean adjusted.  We are busy, routines in our house have been hard to maintain due to the fact that some mornings we need to be...

Blanket Love

Last Wednesday I shared Little Miss A’s “Blanket Style” but she is not alone in her love of her “Blankie” Master O has had this blanket since before he was born!  Funnily enough he didn’t “love” it until he was 18 months old and he has never slept without...

An Organised Pantry

The deadline is here! It is time to reveal your PANTRIES!!! This is the first of what I hope will be many, motivational and inspirational room challenges! So why did the “One Space At A Time” project start with the pantry?? 1. You can’t avoid this space.  You use...

A Whispering Heart

I have a recurring dream that I am driving a car that is careering down a hill and the brakes won’t work.  My foot is heavy on the floor,  and my hand is pulling at the hand break.  My fingers are fiddling for the keys, as magically if I...

Blanket Style

I have two children that never have a blankie far from their side.  Theres is obviously something comforting about having that little piece of fabric to hold, cuddle and in Little Miss A’s case…wear as a fashion accessory. “Ma Bwankie” as she calls it, is worn as a scarf,...

D.I.Y – Tile Coaster Tutorial

 The Winter wind has left our outdoor area dull and drab.  We spend a lot of time sitting, playing, eating and just being in this area and it is one of my favourite spots.  So as   Spring approaches I would love to give this area a little TLC...

Teach Me ~ My Colours

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue, I can sing a Rainbow….. We are learning all about colours in our house!  Learning about colour takes on varying difficulty for different aged children so lets start with the basics! 2-3 Year Olds.  This is Little...