Teach Me ~ My Colours

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue, I can sing a Rainbow…..

We are learning all about colours in our house!  Learning about colour takes on varying difficulty for different aged children so lets start with the basics!

2-3 Year Olds.  This is Little Miss A’s age group!  So this is where we are starting!

Matching Colours
Naming Colours
Identifying Colours in the Environment

Activity Number 1.  
Find It, Match It, Name It!
Using Our Very Own….
You will need;
Paint Chips (Free from your local hardware store)
A Hole Punch
A Key Ring/Split Ring


Punch a hole in the top of each paint chip.

Connect them using a “Key Ring” through the hole.  
Now that you have a “Colour Catcher!” you can start catching colours!
Give your little one there colour catcher and wander through your house or even better take a walk through your neighbourhood.  
Help them find anything that is coloured.  
They then use their colour catcher to match the colour of the object to the colour on their key ring!




Little Miss A (and most two year olds) will need some encouraging to “name” the colours, but practise makes perfect!