D.I.Y – Tile Coaster Tutorial

 The Winter wind has left our outdoor area dull and drab.  We spend a lot of time sitting, playing, eating and just being in this area and it is one of my favourite spots.  So as   Spring approaches I would love to give this area a little TLC in the form of some sunshiney yellow redecorating!  

The first project for the outdoor area was to get crafting and make some….

DIY Tile Coasters

This is one of those projects I have been eyeing off on Pinterest forever (ok maybe a while) But alas most of the projects I lust over on Pinterest involve “Mod Podge” which appeared to be an “American” product.  One day browsing the aisles of my local spotlight, less than 3 minutes away,  I discovered  they had the illustrious “Mod Podge” IN STOCK!  Needless to say I grabbed that baby and ran home to create a long list of Mod Podge DIY projects I could now complete!!!

What you will need:

  • 100×100 White Tiles (these were 30c each at bunnings)
  • “Mod Podge” – Spotlight
  • Scrapbooking Paper
  • Clear Waterproofing Varnish
  • Self Adhesive Felt (or Felt and a hot glue gun) – I bought mine from Bunnings
  • Foam Brush – Check out the Dollar Stores.
1. Trace around the tile on the scrapbooking paper and cut.
2. Apply Mod Podge over the tile using the foam brush.
3. Place the scrapbooking paper square onto the tile.  Act quickly!  You only have a few seconds to get it straight before the mod Podge “glues” it into place! Leave it to dry for 10-15 minutes.
4.  Apply a layer of “Mod Podge” on top of the tile.  Leave it to dry for 10-15 minutes.  Repeat 3-4 times.  
5.  Spray an even coat of varnish over the tile.  Allow to dry. Repeat 2-3 Times. This will waterproof your tile and make it safe to place your cool drink on! 

6. Turn the tile over and stick the felt circles on to the corners of the tiles.  This will stop your new coaster scratching or slipping on your furniture.
7. I left mine to REALLY DRY for a few days before…..pouring myself a cold drink and enjoying my new sunshiney yellow COASTERS!