Eggscellent Easter Craft Ideas for Kids

Hippity Hoppity Easter is only two weeks away!   With Easter comes two weeks of school holidays!  With a trip away not in the budget it’s up to Mum to plan to avoid the eniviatble cabin fever.  So I  am making a list (you knew that was coming) of...

The Book Basket ~ Easter

We love books!  In fact we have books all over the house!   One of our favourite book nooks is the “Book Basket!” This little basket changes with the seasons, special occasions or whatever theme takes the fancy of “My Pigeon Pair.” In our “book basket” we have a...

The List

The problem with organising is that it truly never ends.  One HUGE project often leads to the creation of many more smaller projects and that was the case after our junk space clean out.  And so the list begins….. A new place to house Project Life pieces A better...

The Junk Space – Declutter!

Do you have one of those areas that is a throw for all?   A spare room drowning in junk, a garage full of storage boxes or a set of drawers filled with paper work?  Well combine all of that together and what do you get?  Our under staircase...

Oh lucky day!

The blog has been quiet for very good reason this week.   Our Little Leprechaun turned two!   This lucky girl was born on St Patrick’s Day!   So here they are two Irish kids dressed in their matching outfits! I can’t help it!  The matching gene is genetic....

The School Station

This year Master O started school.  With the anxiety and adventure came a whole lot of stuff!  School bags, musical instruments, homework folders, library bags,  and a whole trail of notes and artwork!   I had predicted the trail of paper and before school started I created a “School...

A little birdy told me Easter is on its way.

 Yesterday I was digging. Digging through a pile of dust under the stairs, desperately searching for my Easter decor.   I found shredded paper, basket nests, tissue paper, Christmas trees but no bunnies. I just know they are under there somewhere or perhaps they ran off to join the...

Bunnies, Baskets and Spray Paint

Hippity, Hoppity, Easters on it’s way.  You know what that means….DECORATING! So it’s a start!  This little space has not had much love!  It’s a picture box with it’s own light but the tall and thin space is hard to utilise. I normally set up our seasonal display’s on our...

If at first you don’t succeed…..

 Saturday mornings are usually spent at the shops. A browse with the kids, a coffee and before we go home some, sushi.   I have always encouraged Master O to just use his hands but this week he insisted on using chopsticks! Loved the posed BEFORE shot Trying very...

It’s in the tin

I have a confession.  I have an addiction to tins. Well not just tins.  Tins, baskets, buckets well storage containers in general.  If I see it, think I can use it to store it, I have to have it! Luckily for me these kinds of containers can be found...