Step Inside Our Home ~ Entry and Living Room

This year I am going room by room transforming our house into a home.   Lucky for me I have enlisted the help of an interior decorator (more about that special lady soon) Pinterest and YOU!   I NEED YOUR HELP! I need practical, beautiful and inexpensive ideas to...

The Anatomy of A Playroom ~ Education Baskets

By now you will know that I have a little problem called “SCO” or Storage Container Obsession.   If it is a basket, tin, bucket, container I want it, I need it, I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!   In our playroom I had a few neglected baskets that were...

Home Office ~ Decor and Organisation

Would you believe we have a whole room in our house that never gets used?  At the entrance of our home we have a home office/study!  It is an unusual space and has an open doorway so we have struggled making use of it!  Now with technology being more...

Parenting Gold ~ The Parent Mainfesto

I was sitting in a cab with a relatively random stranger.  I say relatively because, although I knew her by name, I had just met her that day.  We had both flown to Melbourne for the day to attend the Kids Business Bloggers Brunch.  She was from Adelaide, Me...

Thoughtful Thursday ~ Laundry Lust

  Each Thursday I will be sharing a new Thoughtful idea!  If it’s organised, beautiful, delicious or smart, I want to know about it and share it with you all!!!    I happened to come across a new blog this week, and boy did I find a treasure trove...

Jump For Joy

Take one trampoline + one two year old + many balloons and you get…. A Jump For Joy! Linking up for Wordless Wednesday with...

Organising My Wardrobe ~ Part One

I hope you are sitting down….my name is Larissa and this is my wardrobe. Don’t judge. Ok so it could be worse.  It was.  This is an after before photo.  You know the kind where you are half way through the job and realise you didn’t take a before...

Creating a Kids Craft Space

Remember our Anatomy of a Playroom?   One of our first priorites was establishing an “Art Space”  well this space would more be like a painting, gluing, constructing, displaying, drawing, writing space.    That is one long shopping list of “wants”.  We do not have an endless budget so...

Storing the Soft Toys ~ Pinspiration

As part of our playroom transformation we are looking for ideas on how to creatively and effectively store the massive pile of soft toys!  Besides sending them out for adoption to some other kind families, we have come up with nothing!  So of course it was off to “Pinterest”...

A whole heap of grateful

It’s been a while since I have  written a “grateful” post. It’s not because I am spoilt or ungrateful but just because Saturday’s are crazy busy and follow two hectic work days for me. But last night, full of exhaustion form a mentally straining day at work, a I...