The Anatomy of A Playroom ~ Education Baskets
Posted On April 22, 2012
By now you will know that I have a little problem called “SCO” or
Storage Container Obsession.
If it is a basket, tin, bucket, container I want it, I need it,
In our playroom I had a few neglected baskets that were being used to hold educational items. This was an area I really wanted to fix during our latest Playroom Project.
There it is second from the bottom! Well it also counts as Open labeled storage! These baskets contain workbooks, games, flashcards, reference books etc. I need them to be
- away from little hands
- sturdy baskets to hold bulky items
- baskets that aren’t too high so I can easily see what is in them
- four identical baskets (just to look pretty!)
Here is what they looked like before….

The baskets are breaking apart, too small and of all different sizes and colours! I don’t even know what is in them anymore!

I sorted everything into four categories
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Flashcards and Activity Cards
- Games

But first I need to go and make some labels for them!!!
Do you have “SCO”? Maybe we could start our own support group?