“One Space At A Time”

Sometimes running an organised household is positively overwhelming.  But this year we have been on a mission to….. Some months we have been successful and others, not so much, but all that matters is that we are trying.   We are not aiming for picture perfection but practical.  What...

Organising Projects – August

Sometimes I feel like the more I plan to do, the less that actually gets done!  July was one of those months.  The kids got sick, the husband had the dreaded man flu and just when we thought I had escaped it, I was struck down too!  There were...

Organise Any Drawer in 3 Easy Steps

This household is riddled with germs.  One by one we have succumbed to the yearly flu.  I was lucky last.  Finally today I see a light under the pile of tissues.  On the “My Pigeon Pair” Facebook page I asked for the “flock” to send me their questions!  Nikki...

Organising Take Away Menus

With the Fridge Organised, it is time to move onto the second Organising Project on our list for July.  In the bottom drawer in the kitchen I had a rapidly increasing pile of Take Out Menus!  There is nothing like having a drawer full of back up plans when...

Organising The Fridge

The first Organising Project on our list for July, is the Fridge! Just to remind you of what a disaster our fridge was, here is my favourite kind of photo a Before and After pic.   The general problem was that nothing had a space.  Everything was just thrown in,...

Get Learning in the School Holidays!

One of the most exciting parts of being a blogger is being given the opportunity to write for other blogs and websites.  Last month I officially became a regular contributor to the Mum’s Business Website. Mum’s Business is “an online community for mums, proudly supported by ebay.com.au. It’s a...

Organising The Fridge ~ Part 1

 Hope your ready for a very scary BEFORE pic.  Please sit down and DO NOT JUDGE.   STAGE ONE: Identify the problem. Here is our Fridge.   Otherwise known as “The Leaning Towers of Food.”  At some stage you can see that I have attempted to organise the fridge...

Let’s Get Organising ~ Organising Projects ~ July

What better way to make myself accountable, than to share my July Organising To Do List HERE!  This month I am hoping to tackle 5 Organising Projects. 1. The Fridge   Source: goodbyehousehellohome.com via Larissa on Pinterest  I am realistic, my fridge will never look like this, but it...

Family Finances ~ The Cash Envelope System

As part of our plan to simplify our life, we have begun a new finance system for our family.  We are very lucky to have learnt long ago to not use credit cards for daily spending or bill paying.  We primarily use debit cards for daily spending and a...

Choose me a cushion

As you know we have been working on redecorating our Living Room!  It is now time to choose some cushions for our white lounge suite!  I need your help!!!!  Here’s some inspiration As you can see our colour scheme is aqua/blue, yellow and grey. We need 4 large cushions,...