Organising The Fridge ~ Part 1

 Hope your ready for a very scary BEFORE pic.  Please sit down and DO NOT JUDGE.  

STAGE ONE: Identify the problem.

Here is our Fridge.  

Otherwise known as “The Leaning Towers of Food.”

 At some stage you can see that I have attempted to organise the fridge using some ill fitting, mismatched containers.  Items have no specific home and are instead literally just piled on top of each other!

STAGE 2: Gather Inspiration

But instead of spending hours analysing my fridge I thought I would gain some inspiration from someones fridge that is working for them!

 What I LOVE about this Fridge….

1. Low containers that contain and organise condiments, small jars.  Top shelf as they are out of reach.
2. Medium handled baskets that contain and organise products according to type.
3. Large handled baskets that contian bulier items.
4. Organised and Clutter Free Fruit and Vegetable storage.
5. Organised and Clutter Free Fridge Door with like items grouped together.
So it is now onto
Stage 3.  Empty, Purge and Sort.  
That is my task today, and I afraid, very afraid.  Of lurkers, moulders, expiry dates and the overwhelming sense of YUCK!
Wish me luck!
So stage 1.