Wrapping Up A Winter Wardrobe with Target

The rainy days and morning chill are starting to creep in.   I have spent the school holidays decluttering My Pigeon Pairs wardrobe in preparation for the onslaught of jumpers, tracksuits and jeans.  Master O faired much better than Little Miss A. He still has a few collared long...

Home Office Organisation Inspiration

The Home Office Makeover is well under way.  This is going to be a long and slow process but hey we have made a start. This room is a VERY dificult shape to work with. With its multiple windows, 2 doors and angled wall, it is making positioning furniture...

Fishing for Home Office Organisation Ideas

Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, Scissors, Paper Clips the office bibs and bobs list, goes on and on.  I have been searching for a way to organise and store these items so that I can always find what I need!  We have a great office space but it is in an...

I’m Dreaming of a White Kitchen…..

I’m dreaming of a White Kitchen, just like the ones I see on Pinterest. Ok tell me you didn’t sing along just then.  I love to start my day with a little inspiration.  For some it is a quote or matra, others meditation, me pretty pictures of divine homes....

Finding My Style ~ The Dress

Last week I was invited to a very last minute event.  An evening event, with bloggers, in Sydney.  Naturally I said yes before I had even had a chance to consider what I was going to wear!  I pulled out an old faithful Little Black Dress but to be...

Nautical Inspired Boys Room

Master O loves the water. The ocean, the lake, the river, the pool. Where there is water, you will find him.  Probably helps that he is an Aquarius.  Remember his “Fishing/Sailing” birthday party?  Yep his choice of theme. Over the last year I have been planning on updating his room....

Transform your life with LG Optimus-G.

Although I run a blog and work online I am not the most tech savvy mumma.  I can navigate a website, pump out a blog post but do not ask me how to get skylanders working on the x-box or how to synch your phone to your computer!  ...

Loving The Laundry

Let me start by saying I don’t LOVE doing Laundry.  In fact it is most definitely the one job I procrastinate the most about.    But surely if my Laundry was more organised and a little prettier I would be more inclined to actually go in there?  Just maybe?...

Swimming the Line…..

Source: burnettsboards.com via Larissa on Pinterest   Lately I have been dreaming about swimming.  I dive into the pool and naturally I am an amazing swimmer, gliding through the water with strength and ease (This would never happen in real life!).  My arms pull the water and although I...

A Bunny Birthday Party

It appears blogging about Birthday parties is a lot harder than I imagined. You see the post party planning exhaustion has set in and suddenly, life is no longer filled with pink milk and minature roses but spilt milk and dirt. So without further adieu I present Little Miss...