Tag: Home Office

Home Office Organisation Inspiration

The Home Office Makeover is well under way.  This is going to be a long and slow process but hey we have made a start. This room is a VERY dificult shape to work with. With its multiple windows, 2 doors and angled wall, it is making positioning furniture...

Fishing for Home Office Organisation Ideas

Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, Scissors, Paper Clips the office bibs and bobs list, goes on and on.  I have been searching for a way to organise and store these items so that I can always find what I need!  We have a great office space but it is in an...

Organising, Labelling and Finally Finishing.

Life just gets busier and busier. Somewhere along the line of my “Year Off” from work, I took on a new job! It was an opportunity that I could not pass up and I am starting to get into the swing of the new work from home routine. Best...