Creating a Toy Rotation System

Ever feel like your kids have a whole room of toys, but nothing to play with?  It is like the childs equivalent of Mummy’s wardrobe!  Full to the brim of stuff but when it comes time to use anything you feel like you have NOTHING! We are lucky enough...

TOT SCHOOL: Lesson 2 – Letters and Numbers

So how did you go with Tot school lesson 1?  Today it is all about learning the difference between letters and numbers.  This lesson will require some assistance for children under 3 and a little prctice for older children but it is a skill that will only get stronger...


Welcome to Tot School.  Each week I hope to provide you with some lesson inspiration! The popularity of Tot School has kind of hit me by surprise and yesterday we spent the morning at the beach and afternoon at Zumba so time has gotten away from me!  I hope...

How to Start Your Own “Tot School”

Let’s start at the very beginning…..because it’s a very good place to start. Well actually to easily explain what “Tot School” is we need to start from the end and work backwards!  The end being when you hand your child over to a “Teacher” at “School.”  Might I add...

Managing The Family Finances. ~ Part 1 ~ Doing Your Homework

This, for me is the hardest part of managing a home. I am hopeless with money!  Until last year it was my husband who took care of the finances.  But somehow along the tracks, in a moment of absurdity, I said I would try to take the reins.  So...

Creating a Command Centre – The School Zone

If you have been following the “My Pigeon Pair” Facebook Page or Instagram Feed you will have noticed a very last minute change in our home’s layout!  What was once a second dining room/dump zone has been transformed.  This area is between the kitchen and playroom.  We never used...

Managing My Time ~ The Morning.

This is the one area of my life I vow to work on this year.  You see sometimes I am not so good at managing my time.  and I hate it!  I like structure, routine, flow to my day.  For me it’s not about specific times to do things...

A New Printable Cleaning Schedule

Well you asked and now you shall receive!  Here they are the printable and editable versions of the My Pigeon Pair ~ Cleaning Schedule This is a blank version for you to download.  Just click on the link below. It is a PDF version.  You can print it of...

My Cleaning “Method”

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking of making some changes to our cleaning routine.  Ok to be honest I mean “Creating” a cleaning routine because until now there has been no method to the mess.  It has always just been a case of doing what looks...