Tag: School

The School File It Folder

Before the new school year has even begun, my house is rapidly filling with 2014 paperwork! With a child starting Kindy for the first time we have a mountain of lists, notes and forms that all need coralling and controlling.  Lucky for this mumma I am now somewhat experienced...

Bright Futures

The time has come people.  We have busied ourselves enough over the school holidays, in an attempt to avoid over thinking and the massive inevitable flurry of emotions we are about to face. Tomorrow, Master O starts at his new school.  He is the most sociable, confident and friendly...

Get Learning in the School Holidays!

One of the most exciting parts of being a blogger is being given the opportunity to write for other blogs and websites.  Last month I officially became a regular contributor to the Mum’s Business Website. Mum’s Business is “an online community for mums, proudly supported by ebay.com.au. It’s a...

Things I know ~ About Finishing Kindy.

I know that I cried on my sons last day of Kindy and I am afraid that was two days ago and I am still sad.  I know that this means that I chose the right Kindy all those months ago.  I know he loved it not because of...