Tag: decor

The room in which we LIVE ~ The 1st Project of 2012

We are back!  I wish I could say refreshed, organised and inspired to start 2012 but it is so far from it!  In the midst of unpacking, recovering from a 2 day long drive with two children and limited sleep we somehow decided the last day of 2011 was...

Home is where your heart is.

We spend a lot of time thinking about what we don’t have.  Of course there is always the new car, a million dollars, an overseas trip but in particular we spend a lot of time thinking about “in the next house”.   And then we found a block of...

5 ways to display Christmas cards

If you are anything like us the Christmas Cards have already begun to roll in.  We are pretty boring when it comes to displaying Christmas Cards and we simply hang them over a line of Christmas Stars.  If only I had of discovered these simple and creative ideas for...

Boy’s Bedrooms ~ A Space to Sleep and a Chance to Dream

After hearing a thud come from upstairs and discovering a 2 year old who had escaped from his cot, it was time to move Master O to his own room.  We painted a wall, started a “vintage airplane” theme and then Little Miss A came along.  Although his room...

A Dreamy Reading Space…..That’s Pinterest-ing

You know those days where it is raining outside and you would love nothing more than curling up with a good book?….well whilst we are dreaming that, that could possibly happen with work commitments, two busy kids and a house to clean I may as well imagine, I have...