Jewellery Organisation

Notice that little pile of necklaces so casually thrown on the floor? (Bottom right) Thats what happens when….. You have a treasure hunter, delving into the jewellery drawer unearthing sparkly finds and taking them back to add to her collection! This was driving me INSANE! Mainly because she “chooses”...

Little Golden Cases of Joy…..Honey Joys

If you go into the woods today…….you will find a whole container of sweet little cases!!! Master O had his very first Teddy Bear’s picnic and  all Mumma bears were on “bear” themed party food duty! Besides the obvious Tiny Teddies I could not think of anything!!!! Porridge? Picnic...

Green Apple Organising Rave and review

Well our bathroom organisation project has definitely left us with the organisation bug  and this is one bug we are in no hurry to get rid of!  Our organisation fever has  moved on from the bathroom  and now taken its hold on the wardrobe! In particular Master O’s wardrobe...

One is a magic number…..teaching babies one to one correspondence.

You are never too young to learn to count!   The winter sun has been absolutely beautiful lately so Little Miss A and I have been spending lots of time in our entertaining area playing! This little activity kept her amused and out of the garden!  In the plastic...

Bathroom Makeover – Before and After!

So here it is…. The Before and After of our  Project Bathroom Organisation! HER DRAWERS TOP DRAWER – Make Up BEFORE This is definitely embarrassing… so much make up!  and one container had leaked everywhere! This was the motivation for this whole project and the area that required the...

One way or another…

I’m back!  This has been the longest time between posts….EVER!!!   We have just been so busy!   Writing report cards, planning for next term, public holiday, sick kids… the list goes on…. It has me thinking….as “My Pigeon Pair” approaches the 6 month mark…. is it time for a...

Flashback….Project Playroom

THIS is A FLASHBACK! Repost from my very old blog before “My Pigeon Pair” Inspired to repost by The Organised Housewife’s post on the Expedit unit! In my dreamworld, our playroom would look just like this.   In fact it would even contain the two children dressed so beautifully,...

Wordless Wednesday – An Irish Blessing

“May the road rise up to meet you,  the wind be always at your back  and the sun shine warm upon your face” An Irish Blessing in more ways than one. Linking up to Faith Hope and a Whole Lotta Love...

Marshmallows, Milo and Macaroni….Teach It…Reading

So what do marshmallows, milo and muffins have to do with learning to read? EVERYTHING! This week we have started our letter of the week program with Master O. Well actually over the last year we have had a few false starts but now we really feel he is...