Battery Storage and Organisation

In our house we have a junk drawer.  I say A junk drawer but I am sure there are more than one.  This particular one has been bugging me for weeks.  It is in a central area of our house and has beome a dumping ground for everything that...

Perfectionists aren’t Pretty

I’m not one to “write” wordy or personal blog posts but I just felt like I wanted to share. By now you know that I have the tendancy to become easily obsessed with “things”.  Well not just things but thoughts, ideas, plans just about anything.  The problem is I...

The Target Toy Sale

With trolleys at the ready, grasping circled catalogues and wishlists, they lined up with their eyes on the prize.  The prize, a bargain grabbed admist the toy sale frenzy, a succesful dash and grab in which Chirstmas dreams and Birthday wishes come true.  To be honest I was in...

School Holiday Calendar ~ Free Printable

Woo Hoo it is School Holidays!  No lunch box preparations, early morning rush or work days for me!!!  With three weeks to fill we are busily preparing a calendar of activities!!!  Later today I will share with you what kind of activities we plan to get up to on...

An Organised Wardrobe

I have been having serious Organising withdrawls.  Life as been overwhelmingly busy.  Leaving little time for organising projects! But then I remembered I had a project that I hadn’t shared yet!  Creating an Organised Wardrobe! We are very lucky to have a large walk in wardrobe in our Master...

Labelmaker Love

I have horrible handwriting.  As a teacher it is assumed you learn these things during your university study.  So guess what happens when you spend too much time drinking coffee in the caferteria and stalking shoe sales.  You end up with shocking pencil grip, less than perfect letter formation...

We Have A WINNER!!! ~ Cold Power Giveaway

This lucky winner won’t be shopping for washing detergent for a while!   CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA! You have won a 6 months supply of Cold Power Detergent AND a $50 Prepaid VISA CARD!!!!   Is it sad that I would be more excited about the Cold Power Supply?? Please email...

The Winner is…..Ethos Design Giveaway!!!

We are loving implementing our “Ethos Design Kit”!!  We have so much to do that I really need to write an “Organising and Decorating Plan” like this one from the ever fabulous Jen at iHeart Organizing!  Until then, I should announce who else is about to undertake a wonderful...

Sensational Sensory Tubs

Learning is more than flashcards and work sheets.  Children learn best when they use their whole body, including all their senses.  What better way to introduce learning to your toddler or preschooler than with Sensory Tubs.  Sensory Tubs are, a tub (Bucket, storage container) filled with a variety of...

Clever ideas to help make learning fun!!!

  Well “Thoughtful Thursday” went missing for a few weeks, as I knuckled down and finished my report cards, but now it is back!!!  I have written many posts about the beauty and importance of turning everyday moments into fun learning opporutnities.  Now I have found someone who has...