Day 8 ~ Wishlist to Santa

Christmas is not complete without writing a Wishlist Letter to Santa! This is one of those activities that I am always a little unsure about as sometimes it sounds a bit like want, want, want.  Definitely the wrong messagei want to send to my kids about Christmas.  Then last...

Day 7 ~ Paper Problems ~ “My Christmas Elf” ~ Paper Roll Craft

  Ready to get crafty?  Christmas isn’t Christmas without some Christmas Craft.  The best Christmas Craft is simple, quick and involves the kids.  What better craft supplies to use, than those lying aorund your house. Paper rolls. Toilet paper, paper towel, wrapping paper, any kind of paper roll will...

Day 6 ~ Christmas Catalogue Cutting

This time of year means one thing for your mailbox, JUNK MAIL!  Our house has been over run by Christmas Catalogues so its time to put them to good use! This activity will require a very important skill, cutting!!!! We start supervised scissor practice as young as two in...

Where to buy an Elf On The Shelf

Where do you buy an ELF on The Shelf!!!???  The key to getting your hands on an Elf on The Shelf is to BUY ONE NOW!!!  They are becoming more readily available but I am sure stocks will run low as we near December.  I am yet to see...

Day 5 ~ Marshmallow Magic ~ My Christmas Elf Cooking

Soft and Sugary and Sweet the Elf is ready to play a little Marshmallow Magic!  Little Marshmallows make a perfect sugary bubble bath for your elf!  This series is not just about learning but about fun too!  So time to get into some christmas cooking! Source: via Michaelina...

Day 4 ~ An Elf Travel Passport

 So how DID this magical Elf travel to your home?  Was it by Reindeer, floating on a snowflake, posted through the mail?  However he arrived, he will need a passport to get back home again!  “This little elf is far from home But how did he get here, nobody...

Day 3 ~ A Nifty Name ~ Naming Your Christmas Elf

Just like naming a doll or pet, naming an elf can be difficult!  But you can’t go any further on your elf adventure without a befitting name for the main character!  Talk to your children about how you chose their names and the meaning behind their name. Brainstorm a...

Day 2 ~ Welcoming Your Christmas Elf

Welcoming any new member of the family is a joyous occasion.  Celebrating the arrival of your new elf should be just the same! Our Elf makes its grand entrance in the form of a surprise “Elfy Breakfast”   On the morning of the 25th November the children awake to find...

Organising and Storing Wrapping Paper

 Christmas means one thing.  PAPER!  Of the wrapping variety and lots of it!  I am glad I am not the only one drowning in bits of wrapping paper.  One of the “My Pigeon Pair” FB flock today asked for ideas on how to organise and store wrapping paper!  Well...