The Tooth Fairy

Another mythical creature is getting ready to make an appearance in our household. The Tooth Fairy! Finally after 6 years and 4 months, Master o has a wobbly tooth!.  He is one of the last children in his class to loose a tooth so needless to say the event...

Managing The Family Finances – Part 3 – Saving Money On Your Bills

 It’s time to get on track with the family finances.  If you are following this series you will now have…. 1. Done Your Homework – Using bank statements you have outlined the amounts coming in and going out of your accounts. You have also sorted these items into categories...

Staying on Track – Of life, finances and paperwork

I have serious finishing up issues.  I start a million things at once and can begin a new project in a blink of an eye and then they stagnate.  Some become part of the never going to finish pile, others have little adjustments made here and there. 1. Staying...

8 Perfect Paint Recipes from Pinterest

There are some VERY clever Mums out there on the Interwebz.  Unlike me who has been a teacher for a long time and a mum, they have manage to fine tune the most amazing “Homemade Paint” recipes!      FIZZY PAINT Source: via Larissa on Pinterest   This...

Organising For Winter

The temperature here has dropped. By dropped, I mean dived head fist into the single digits.  In the space of  one week we have gone from having the fan on to digging out the blankets.  As the seasons change so does our home.  Different spaces need adapting, organising and...

Warm Winter Breakfast

I must admit I am not a breakfast eater. I know, I know, it’s the most important meal of the day, but in the midst of the morning rush, I often simply forget to have breakfast.   Breakfast in our house has to be quick, easy and be able...

10 Ways With Washi Tape

   I must admit I am late to the Washi Tape Party.  I watched on as blogger after blogger fell in love with the stuff and found a million different ways to use it.  But I sat by and put it in the too complicated basket.  Would it come...

Creating a Study Nook

It all started with this desk.   IKEA – Micke Desk – $59 It has found many spaces to live within our house but never found it’s rightful home. We found ourselves doing Master O’s homework all over the house, but never at his desk.  His homework required strict...

Mother’s Day Wish List

It’s that time of year again, when I create a long list of wishes for Mother’s day…..Wishes I say as really I would be lucky to get a sleep in!  Classic Novel with a Modern Cover This is one of the Classic’s I have never gotten too! I would...