I’m grateful for ….losing control.

I am a control freak.  I like things to go my way, you know, according to plan.  You would think after all these years of being a teacher and a mother I would have learnt how to let go.  How to let the reins loosen.  How to loose control.

 Dress Up Day.  Master O has a dress up day at Kindy this week.  If you are part of the flock you will know that I have been planning for this day.  Gathering images and ideas of creative and fun make at home costumes.  You know because I will win a mother of the year award if my child has an awesome costume! He wnats to go as Superman or Bumblebee.  Where is the creativity in that!  I have begged, pleaded, bribed, showed him other costumes but he is not budging.  So I let go.  It is HIS day.  HE can make this decision.

Prep Orientation.  After being a teacher at Prep Orientation meeting and greeting the new children, I have always imagined what my own child orientation will be like.  I have a long list of does and don’ts.  I have the whole scene played out in my head.  But now reality hits we will miss his orientation as we will be away!  Yes there have been tears.  Phone calls to the school.  Drastic attempt to rearrange things.  But I just have to let go.  We will not make it.  He will survive and so will I.

 So I am grateful for finally taking it upon myself to let go.  To loose control.  The sleepless nights, anxiety and stress have been letting go aswell.  I am learning, slowly, to put things in perspective, to keep it real, to take a chill pill.  It will be a long journey but I  am determined to try, in case I needed a reason why, I have two little gorgeous reasons, watching my every move.