I’m grateful for….the first time
Today I didn’t feel like writing. It is the first time. I am tired, it’s 5am, I haven’t had a coffee, but if I don’t write now, I wont get a chance. As today we plan a first.
We are going to the beach. The first time as a family of four. Yes that’s right we live in the sunshine state and we have never gone to the beach, all together.
It’s the first time that there will be no excuses. Neither of us are working, the kids have no sniffles, no visitors are expected, no birthday parties, the housework is almost done.
I can only hope for the first time things will go according to plan and the sky will not open up and pelt us with rain. You know just to mock our plans.
It will be the first time she runs from the waves, squealing and giggling. The first time to get sand caught between her tiny chubby feet. The first time building sand castles with her brother.
So for that I am grateful. The anticipation, the excitement, and the dreaming of the first time.
Check out what everybody else is grateful for..