I am grateful for……… my Dear iPhone
Remember my obsessive personality. Well me and my iPhone4 have quite the serious relationship going on. I can’t believe it took me years to succumb to the obsesion. I was already in a daily commitment with my apple mac and well the iPhone has doubled the intensity of my apple obsession.
Dear iPhone4,
To say you are a phone is a gross understatement. You are my lifeline. You are so thoughtful the way you take photos and videos and instantly send them to my Mum who is a thousand kilometres away. You create my shopping lists, by allowing me to scan finished products from the pantry. You are my guide, offering me maps when I am lost. You are my voice, updating my Facebook status and sending out my tweet. Sometimes you connect me to people. But it’s time we had a talk.
I am grateful for the uncountable ways you, as my constant companion, have changed my life, but it’s time for a break. It’s not over but I need some space. We need some time apart. It’s not you my dear iPhone. It’s me.
Why? What could you, in all your perfectness, have done wrong? You have begun to come between me and my life. The “real” life. Instead of treasuring the moment, I am constantly trying to “capture” it. As if having the hard evidence recorded by you of a picture or video means it actually happened. I am sorry but, that’s what memories are for.
You tempt me with your constant flickering light, informing of the latest Facebook update. I am weak. I give in and find myself doubling the time I used to spend online. You have provided me with a too convienient late night fix of Twitter, but it is leaving me exhausted and tired and unable to face people “in real life” as I have now taken the form of a zombie.
Sometimes you are as not as “smart” as you think. You made me wake up an hour earlier after tricking me by changing time to daylight saving time. You, in all your glory, can not move my time, or give me more and even worse how dare you try and take it away. But that is exactly what is happening.
Please do not think there is someone else. I know its bad timing with iPhone 4S being released, but I am not leaving you for a newer model. This is about US. Me and i.
I am too dependent on you and that is not a good thing. I need to be with my “real” family and friends, instead of glaring into your bright light. I am grateful for all that you have brought to our relationship. What we had was great. But it’s time for some change. I will learn to “live” without you. It will be hard, but I can do it.
I hope we will still be friends. Remain amicable? I will still talk to you and call you and ask for your advice but you will not be my lifeline. You need to spend more time in the car or on the desk and not right by my side. You are not and will not be the center of my life. For in the big scheme of the world, you are after all, just a phone.
Love you,
Larissa xoxo