Homework, Study Space, Work Station??
We are lucky enough to have a purpose built study in our house. Back in the days before children, laptops and wifi we used it all the time. It is a uniquely shaped room, small but with lots of windows and the first room you come to in our house. Unfortunatley it now sits unused as we are usually on the laptop at the dinner table. This year I have been obsessed with creating a “launch pad” for our family. Until now I have been tied down to one room in particular but yesterday I had a light bulb moment! Why not use the study as a new study/homework/reading/launch pad area! It just seems like the perfect idea but is it practical? Wont we just use the dining table for homework? Does a 5 year old need a desk? It is a lovely sunny and quiet space free from the distraction of the playroom and TV. So off to the web I go looking for some ideas and inspiration. Where is everybody doing their homework?
What a brilliant idea! Every thing your child could possibly need to assist them with their homework in a portable “Homework Station”. This could easily be adapted to suit any age group. !00’s chart, sightwords, conversion tables, handwriting or phonics charts all right where you are! It also provides privacy and limits distraction…all at the kitchen bench or dining table!
What a great creative way to have all of your supplies at your fingertips! Portable storage!
A turn table with buckets! can “turn” your dining table into a study space.
I fyou have the space a desk is a great way to encourage good study habits and keep everything organised. With lots of room for storing all those important bits and pieces no time will be lost searching for things. It also gives the child a “distinct and defined space” which they know is for study. I love the inspirational words on the wall!
Great for a computer and neat and gorgeous enough to blend in with your decor! Love that there were some picture for “boy” studies!
I must have that chair! Check out the storage on the back! What is not to love about this gorgeous desk and decor. Do the beautifully dressed children come with the purchase?
So now I am really dreaming but this is just drool worthy. This would be a dream space fro my little Miss A. A creative and divine decor, you guessed it…from Pottery Barn!
SO if you really have the space to dedicate an entire room to study and homework or you homeschool these work stations are almost enough for me to want to have more children (I said ALMOST!)
The picture above is a perfect corner solution LOVE the chairs large work space and lots of storage!
WOW! A home office/study/display area. Check out all that storage! Love the sunny outlook and the comfy armchair for reading!!
Love this idea as an easy way to keep an eye on what everyone is doing! A neutral colour pallette and all that WORK SPACE!
Same set up with a different colour scheme!
Ok now this is totally unrealistic, two children quietly sitting at their beautiful workspace in their freshly ironed outfits!
And whilst we are dreaming, we may as well dream about this AMAZING space!
Whatever the space you choose for your child, its what works best for your situation, wether it is the dining table, the kitchen bench, a desk or a study it should be a place for learning and maybe the occasional argument over doing your homework!!!