Organising The Laundry

I absolutely loved completing “The Organised Housewife’s” 20 Day Challenge.  But there was one room that we gave a miss.  The room that I just felt like there wasn’t much I could do with.  An almost impossible space to create storage or any sense of organisation in….


The “Bowl Full Of Lemons” Organising Challenge is this week focusing the Laundry!  What better excuse to finally tackle this room!

The Space.  The laundry is the one area of our house where we have not been happy with the layout.  Funnily enough the builder has now changed the layout of this room in all their plans!  Oh the problems…

1. The sink is in the middle of the wall.  This leaves no room for a bench.  This also means that the laundry shoot (which is connected to the kids bathroom) is in the middle of the  room leaving little room for any shelves.

2. This room also contains a “powder room”  (which is where I am standing to take this photo!) On the same wall as the powder room door is a small “broom cupboard” two doors, one wall means another wall space that is hard to use! 

3. This is a walk through area to the powder room. Which means this area of the house is possibly on display to guests. It has to look neat and tidy!

4. The Laundry is also where the cat sleeps, so its paraphanalia is also in here!

5. For the last 5 years this room has also had a baby change table. This aqua trolley was a collage trolley from my classroom that got repurposed.  This was the only place downstairs where we could change a baby.

Ok I could go on and on but basically you get the idea.  One room, too many uses and too much stuff. This space is disfunctional and unorganised!

The Plans.  

  1. Little Miss A is now only in nappies at night time so the change table can go!!! This leaves us with space fro some shelves.
  2. These shelves will need to house basket storage for commonly used items.
  3. New shelves opposite the laundry door that can house some pretty baskets and brighten the decor in this room.
  4. Re organise the broom cupboard to better utilise the storage space in here.
  5. Move and tidy up the cat area so that it is not the first thing you see when you open the door! 
This project may take more than a week, now that I really look at it!  
But it MUST BE DONE!!! Wish me luck!