My hair un-style, to match my doormat personality.
Let me start by saying I am new to the world of professional hair colour. I have always coloured my own hair at home, and yesterday I remembered why. 6 weeks ago I scored what I though was an awesome hair colour deal on one of those “daily deal” kind of things. Half a head of foils, toner, style cut and blow dry for $69. $69 is already strecthing my hair care budget, my usual box of Napro Country Colour sets me back around $10. But I want something different, I want something sophisticated and stylish maybe a bit lighter than my usual “Brazil” dark brown/black. Maybe like this….
Because you know that I will totally look just like her if I have that hair colour….
Perhaps the tacky decor or overly pierced hairdressers gave it away but instead I ended up with this….
Ok so not quite that bad but basically I didn’t get what I asked for. I wasnt asking for a whole hair transformation just something a bit more Jessica and a bit less Christina. This is where I mention I am a people pleasing, door mat. Not only do I fail to mention to the hairdresser that I don’t like it, but I smile, say I love it and book another appointment.
I must admit, 6 weeks later the colour has faded and I have sort of gotten used to it. I still had no intention of ever returning to this salon until….an email!
“We have a great deal! For $89 you can have half a head of foils, cut and blowdry. ”
You had me at deal. I am in. So it’s now $20 dearer than last time but still half the price of every other salon in my area. This is where you write SUCKER accross my forehead.
SO I go to the salon that I don’t like, where I got the last hair cut I wasn’t happy with and ask for the $89 deal please. IN DENIAL. Maybe this time will be different? All is going well. Colour done and now over to the basin for your toner. Toner???
I ask if that is included in the $89 plan. No it is not AND it will be another $34.95.
So me in my nicest possible voice “Well I will have to skip the toner this time as I just want the $89 plan.” I am not a confrontational person. I may as well have said pretty please with a cherry on top.
Hairdresser: “Sorry but we cant do your colour without a toner.” Me: Well I can’t afford a toner so show me what does it look like?
Me: “Alrighty, well it looks like you need to fix it.”
Hairdresser: “Well that will cost you $34.95 extra for the toner.”
Me: “Fine. Just do it.” (I am sure this is not the conversation NIKE had in mind when they invented that slogan)
So I do what all people do in this situation, tweet about how unhappy I am whilst continuing to smile and nod at the hairdresser. So quite deservedly my hair now looks like this
A lovely, boring, plain, unstylish shade of doormat brown. To match my personality.
So what do you do when you are not happy with your hair colour? What should I have done? Am I a door mat? Be honest people, I promise to not get angry and tweet about you!