Happy New Year


I LOVE this time of year.  So full of new hope, fresh starts, blank slates.  I am not one for new years resolutions and instead prescribe to the new “word” of the year.

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For me to Hustle is to set goals and then busily and enthusiastically set yourself to achieving them, to strive for more, give it your all, negotiate, dream, believe.  This year is going to be hectic.  But in the best possible way.  2016 is the start of a new chapter in my life.  The years of babies are over.  The last 10 years have been costumed with trying to fall pregnant, being pregnant and having babies.  Those days are now over and we now have time to think about ourselves a little more.  Our goals and dreams are slowly shifting.  after 3 years on leave and countless years prior to that working only part time in 2016 I am returning to work. I haven’t felt this excited by teaching since being a graduate teacher!  Add to that a few new job opportunities, smashing some study, the Hurricane starting Daycare, new extra curricular activities for the kids and our biggest family project ever (more on that later) we are going to be BUSY!


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After years of dreams, this is the year for those dreams to become plans and to bring them life.

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I choose to live a life full of abundance.  I truly believe it is a choice.  Day by day we are designing our life’s journey, why not create one you love!  I am not sure there is a better way to start the year than with a head full of dreams, a heart full of excitement at the possibilities ahead and a belief that this year is going to be truly amazing.