2013 – My Christmas Elf – Day 13 – Carols and Candles

I must admit we have never gone to a community carols night before!   Between the school carols night and Christmas parties we always have something on.  But this year with a little help form our elves we were all ready to go! 

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A Carols Goodie Box with a blanket, chips, pretzels, lollies and of course glow sticks! 

The glow sticks were the hit of the night!  They each had a glow necklace (which came in handy trying to identify your child in the dark!) and either a Glow Tree stick or a glow Stick santa!

To be honest, the carols night wasn’t our thing.  Be warned slight rant ahead.  We came a little late so all the spots at the front were full so we couldn’t see a thing.  WE only had a blanket and everyone else had chairs! The music was all very slow and religious.  We had expected a fun, family night of singing and entertainment with a great mix of music so we could all join in.  There was no dancing, or bands or choirs or school groups just soloists, singing religious/slow music.  Besides the 15 minutes that Santa was on stage, the kids were not interested in what was happening and didn’t know any of the songs.  It was a community carols night, but run by a local church.  Don’t get me wrong….We are religious.  We believe that Christmas is about CHRIST, but it is a time for families and friends to enjoy time together.  A time to sing loudly and badly, to do the actions to songs with your children, to dance and be joyous.  It felt more like we were watching a Religious version of Australian Idol where each soloist was trying to out do each other with there operatic technique.  

BUT…..the upside, the kids played with glowsticks……outside…….. at night.

Seriously they could have been anywhere.  Those three simple things provided all the entertainment they needed!


Lesson learnt and next year we might try and find one of the council run carols nights or even just stick to the school ones.  

But we went, we ate together, spent time talking as family and we watched two excitable children run, jump, dance and play whilst glowing like Christmas Trees.