I’m PREGNANT – Week 25

In the busyness of the festive season I must admit there are days that I forget that I am pregnant!  I always wish I had of chronicled my previous pregnancies a bit better and this blog is the perfect place to do just that!

Those first twelve weeks passed so slowly as I struggled to keep it a secret from our extended family and friends and from my readers of course.  Since then, it has flown!

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13.5 Week Baby Bump


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24.5 Week Baby Bump


and to think in that first photo I felt HUGE!

There is no denying that you seem to “pop” a lot earlier with the 3rd Baby!


I am still feeling pretty horrid and vomiting most nights but the constant nausea has subsided.  I was not sick at all with Master O and nauseas for the whole 9 months with Little Miss A, but that is nothing compared to this pregnancy!  I am surviving without  medication and making the most of the time that I do feel well.


We are not finding out the gender but I have a strong feeling it’s a boy!  This does not help the fact that we have no idea on boys names!!!!  It is so hard when you love your own children’s names so much, to find a name that matches the style of their names.  Add into the equation that  your friends have great taste in baby names AND you are a school teacher…. many names I once loved are now vetoed!   We like traditional, classic but not overly common names for boys and that is hard! 


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Since painting the nursery, all progress has come to a standstill.  The grey is not staying.  I now need to convince hubby to either repaint the wall the same colour as the other walls or put up wall paper.  Problem is I am having a ridiculously hard time making any decisions! The cot, change table and drawers are up and we have cleared out whatever non baby items we were hoarding in this room, but we still have so much to do! Next on the list is  finding the instruction book for the bassinet!  We googled one  but it appears the frame of our bassinet is different.  Hubby used that as a great reason to do without the bassinet and just put the baby straight into the cot, but I just can’t do it! I dont care what anyone says, but trying to prepare a neutral toned nursery is ridiculously hard.  I keep spotting gender specific cute decor and wish I could start buying bits and pieces.  Trying to focus on how much I love that delivery room surprise is only helping slightly.

As fast as time flows I still have more than 3.5 months to go! Thank goodness as it will take us that long to get organised! 

So did you find out the sex of your babies?

Got any baby name suggestions?