The Catch Up

School holidays have not only resulted in an unusually chaotic house but a very quiet blog.  Our days have been filled with play dates, beach visits, the movies and quite frankly a whole lot of just staying home.  After the most horrendous last school term, which truly seemed like an endless void of bad news and morning sickness, we needed it.  We needed some quiet time.  


Baby #3 at 15 weeks
Baby #3 at 15 weeks

 I am now 17 Weeks pregnant and although the extreme morning sickness has subsided it unfortunately reminds me at the most inappropriate times that it is not gone for good.  Think a whole plane flight to Sydney with two small children and a mother who can’t stop vomitting! This pregnancy has hitter me for six.  My blood pressure has plummeted resulting in some quite embarrassing dizziness and feinting spells.  Each day that I feel well I tend to run around and try and get everything done that I have missed in the previous days! The blessing in it all is that we have a perfectly healthy baby who loves to run away from the sonographer. Being pregnant for a third time is so different from the other times.  This is the first time I have not worked whilst being pregnant, we are struggling to find time to talk about baby names and the nursery is in an absolute state of disarray. Fingers crossed we get our act together soon!

Master O

Just before his teeth fell out!
Just before his teeth fell out!

Has thorughly enjoyed school holidays!  He now has less than 7 weeks of school left!  How is that possible?  They finish school the last week of November!  

He is excited about going to swimming lessons at school this term, as well as a school excursion to the Museum.  Yesterday I watched him perform with the other Year One students in a “Music Morning”.   I can confidently say that his new school is no longer the “new” school.  He really has just settled in and found his place.  The school continues to impress me daily!  From the amazing teachers, small class sizes, individualised attention, the school spirit, the way the older students look after the younger students and most of all the MANNERS!.  We are hearing constantly from our boy “Ladies first, After you, Can I help you with that”

 After swimming this week he came home to tell me all about “Big Al” “Who’s name is actually Allan, Mummy!”  “He finally taught me how to keep swimming and breathe at the same time!” This Year 12 Sport and Recreation student had a genuine interest in helping these boys learn to swim.  Talk about establishing positive teenage role models!  

Master O is also begging me to start the Christmas Countdown! I dont know what I would have done without him the last few months.  He has been my messenger, looked after his sister, grabbed me buckets and ice packs, passed me the sick bags and been my right hand man!  He loves to be told he is the man of the house when Daddy is at work!

Little Miss A

She sat on this little stool, nice and quietly, in The Sydney Botanic Gardens and watched her brother play cricket!
She sat on this little stool, nice and quietly, in The Sydney Botanic Gardens and watched her brother play cricket!

What can I say about this child.  She is my constant companion and is absolutely hilarious!  She laughs at everything and everyone, especially her brother.  She dances or skips, instead of walks.  She sings all day making up her own songs.  Is slowly breaking through her shyness and on Saturday she goes to Kindy Orientation!!!! yep KINDY!  I dont know how that crept up on me and I am currently consoling myself by buying cute hair accessories to go with her uniform instead of moping in my misery that my baby girl wont be at home at with me everyday.  She “says” she is excited to go.  But I know that “separation anxiety” is going to a problem for us in the beginning. 


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I dont think I have ever been this excited about Christmas.  I am one of those nutty people scouring the Big W aisles for any signs of Christmas Accessories! I am dying to decorate the house and of course for the ELF TO ARRIVE!!!!  I am working on the most MASSIVE SERIES of Elf Posts!!!!

We have had some extremely last minute changes to our Christmas plans!  My sister is due to have her first baby the day before Christmas so we are trying to find a way we can travel the 1300kms t be with family, that is both cheap and sanity saving! Two days in the car, 6 months pregnant with two children may just be the straw that breaks the camels back but flying at the time of year will cost us thousands!!! Any ideas?  

So that’s us and our life and where we are right now.  With Christmas and summer holidays holiday’s viewable on the horizon, life is good.  In fact, I don’t know if life gets much better than this.