An Organised Boys Room

Master O’s Room is in desperate need of some organisation! 

After yesterday’s EPIC FAIL I have decided to regroup and start afresh!

The one lessson I learnt from yeterday’s disaster is that what I think I need in the room and what I really need in the room are two different things. I also learnt that sometimes, just SOMETIMES you have to actually buy something instead of repurposing from other rooms of the house. E.G the bath toys baskets look ridiculous on a bookshelf!


A place to read, play and relax.

Easy to organise and tidy independently. 


A Reading Zone.  

  • A seat/chair/bench/beanbag for reading 
  • A bookcase with storage for both books in baskets or shelves high enough to fit books.  Must have at least 4 different compartments. (Storybooks, Board books, Readers, Comics and Magazines)

Toy Storage

  • Storage for small toys.  These do not take up a lot of room as in general his toys are in the playroom.  We keep just a few sets in his room so they are away from his sister.  
  • The small toy storage needs to contain a number of different sized baskets/boxes

Bakugan (medium)

Lego (large)

Figurines (medium)

Toys (medium)

Cars (small)

Cards (small)

Display Shelves

A shelf or bench to display some special toys.  Within his reach but out of reach of his sister.

So some inspiration…….

Reading Space

This ladder would provide ample book storage and could also double as a display shelf? Especially the top shelf? I am LOVE, LOVE, LOVING this idea! 

Toy Storage

You know how much I love a good Trofast but I just worry it starts making his bedroom look like a toy room? A little too child like? 

The drawer configuration would look more like this.  Some small drawers and some big.  If I kept the drawers all one colour (white) would it look more grown up? I could turn the top into a bench seat next to the ladder bookcase? 


I LOVE this!  Organised but stylish!  That is a lot of storage probably way more than we need but we could start with one Trofast. I think its all about how you accessorise the top, walls and the colour of the drawers. Oh and the wall colour too! 

Check out the framed book pages on the wall! MUST DO THAT!

So what say you?  What will keep this room organised and stylish? HELP!!!!