The Tooth Fairy Visits

Calling all tooth fairies, we have a lost tooth in our house!

FINALLY aged 6 years and 4 months, Master O, lost his first tooth!  More than a month ago I noticed Master O had two adult teeth breaking through on the bottom.  Sure enough those baby teeth were starting to wobble, ever so slightly. One in particular has been hanging by a thread and last night literally as we were about to go out for dinner, it came out! Well actually Daddy pulled it out! There was a tad bit of shock about all the blood (from Master O AND Mummy) but the excitement of FINALLY loosing a tooth soon took over.  

Of course this happens on the extremely rare occasion of us going out for dinner. Put the tooth back in! I am not ready for this!

After recently searching for Tooth Fairy Inspiration I had some vague plans of what I the tooth fairy, would do.  It all centered around The Fairy Door that thankfully arrived from Elle J this week! You know how I feel about traditions. So let the new tradition begin!


Place tooth in a glass of water on the bedside table.

Need to work on this one as I was sacred he might “drink” his tooth in the middle of the night!  I am going to go with a cushion or box next time.

In the morning the Tooth was replaced with a note. This was an etsy printable. It came as an instant download package (great for last minute) with a tooth fairy receipt as well .  I had no printer ink or card, so it looked nowhere near as nice as I would have liked! The note thanks him for his tooth and taking care of his teeth and tells him to go downstairs for a treat!

The surprise was that the Tooth Fairy had come!  She had created her own entryway into our home!  She used her saw and hammer to create a Fairy door and left behind quite a mess!  She had tried to sweep and mop up her wood shavings but will be back tonight to finish the job.  She left lots of coins, a receipt, a letter and some fairy dust.

The Saw and hammer (althoguh I think its more like a chisel) These are form a miniatures collection I have had since before I had children!  They are intended for a dolls house and I have been waiting for the perfect moment to use them.  A whole box was once given to me by someone who didnt want them!  The only details I have is that the tags say “Vicki Collection” 

The broom, mop and wood shakings which were some straw and toothpicks cut up, good thinking Daddy.  That was his thoguhtful touch to the experience.

and Master O’s reaction……..


He was in absolute disbelief.  Worth every minute of the late night panic and shenanigans.

Together they chatted about how she came in, wether she would make a new door next time and what kind of fairy she was.

They decided that the money actually belonged to the fairy and she had accidentally left it behind! NOOOO!!!  They need a lot of convincing that the money was in exchange for the tooth!


So to ease her crying Master O shared his money with his sister.  Seriously I could have cried. 

So I did.  Just a little. You know when those moments just hit you that these amazing creatures called kids are actually yours? And that they believe in such wonderful, innocent, magical, joyous things?  That they are kind and considerate enough to share their much anticipated tooth Fairy money? That sometimes all those really ordinary parenting days accumulate and transform to create an extraordinary moment you want to savour forever.

Overwhelmed by it all.  Not them, just me.

Magical Memories.


Edited to add: The Miniatures:
I just did a quick google of Vicki Collection and found this site 
Gosford Hobbies

A little bit expensive but oh so cute!