Creating a Study Nook

It all started with this desk.  

IKEA – Micke Desk – $59

It has found many spaces to live within our house but never found it’s rightful home.

We found ourselves doing Master O’s homework all over the house, but never at his desk.  His homework required strict supervision and assistance so we needed to wrok in a space big enough for both of us! However, the new school has more structured homework, allowing Master O to complete many tasks independently, so at last the desk started to get a work out!  We moved it out of our “Command Centre” and into my office.  It is the perfect place!  We can work together at my big desk and then he can literally roll on his chair over to his new study nook to work independently.  It also gives him a great quiet, drawing space.

But a study nook is not just a desk.  He needs all of his “tools” at his fingertips.

Firstly I made a list of what this nook needed to contain.

  • Reference Charts
  • Homework Book
  • Handwriting Book
  • Coloured Pencils
  • Lead Pencils, Eraser, Sharpener
  • Glue and Scissors.

I was looking for a way to store all of these items wothout cluttering up his workspace.  The desk is only small and once he has his scrapbook size homework book is open there isn’t a lot of room for anything else!

I love a good rail and bucket system.  We have used this method of storage before at our craft table and it works brilliantly! It makes it easy to tidy up as everything has a place and leaves the bench free for working! 

This Bygel rail and plastic buckets from Ikea was literally cheap as chips. 

But the new study nook is in a shared space and I wanted something a little more grown up! 

The Fintorp rail system is just as useful but a whole lot more sophisticated.  It is also a little more expensive.  The Fintorp system is designed for use in the Kitchen, hence the items names!  But works to house anything brilliantly!  In fact I think this would work brilliantly in a bathroom or laundry! 

The large condiment stand, stores his Homework book, handwriting book and a clipboard with reference charts.

The small cutlery stands are great for pencils, scissors, glue etc.

A perfect solution for our little learners tools.

Now Master O has a spot to work, within reach of me, but away from the distractions of the rest of the house.  It is such a light and bright room and I love having my little assistant share my work space.