Sharing the dream

I am a dreamer.  Easily distracted and often half living in a world that does not yet exist.  I say yet, because I whole heartedly believe if I can picture it, it will be real. 

You see, I have a thing for houses.  Growing up in a family, where weekends were spent playing within my grandfathers latest construction site, will do that to you.  We loved the keys, all those shiny keys and the empty homes in which we could pretend to live more glamorous lives.  Those brand new units, full of promise, a fresh start, a dream.    Later in life it was the pride.  That he had built something from nothing.  That his vision had been brought to life. Literally.  

Finally one day I got the chance to do it for myself, we built our first home together. One year in the process and finally those shiny, dangly new keys filled with promise were ours.    Much to the builders dismay we sourced everything ourselves.  I was determined to save a dollar wherever I could and at the same time my heart was drawn to the most lavish inclusions.  Marble taste on a laminex budget. I spent weekends in tile, door, bathroom stores.  Not resting until I found exactly what I wanted.  It helped that we had an amazing builder, who would play along with my grand plans.  I soaked it all in, I loved every minute of it.  The designing, the sourcing, the creating, EVERYTHING! 

That house quickly became our first home as a married couple and literally 9 months later we began to fill it with children.  We love our home.  We are eternally grateful for it but now we spend a lot of time talking and dreaming of…the next house.  


When I say talking and dreaming I mean me.  He just does the listening.  Truth be told, and because I am amoungst friends, I have the whole thing planned.  Come on would you expect anything different? Every detail has been sourced and pinned.  Land has been viewed in various sunlight, determining which way to place the house on the block.  Clouds of white kitchens, silver pendant lights, Dark wood floors, and huge windows, it is all there in my mind and on Pinterest. The design is in the detail peeps.


I am so invested in this dream that it now has permanent residence in my head and my heart and……it has a name.   The Lakehouse.  Named for its style and its location.  A classic, hamptons style, weatherboard home, open and airy for our Queensland climate.


For now we just wait, wait for the land to ready, wait for finances, wait for these children of ours to be at school, wait for me to return to work.  So until then I will dream and share my dreams with you. Surely sharing your dreams is the key to them becoming reality? Only time will tell.

If you want to follow my dreams, check out my Lake House Pinterest Boards