Tips From The Teacher ~ Covering School Books. The Last Domain of Individuality

There are a lot of bloggers writing about School Book Covers at the moment.  It’s hard to write about something when so many others before you have already done an amazing job!  Check out 

Tina Gray 

Teapots and Tractors

So before I wrote this post, I thought about my obsession with School Book Covers, that has developed in the last month.   Why has it been so important to me to get “just the right one”.  And well it was actually Master O who answered this one for me……

ME: What do you like about your school book covers?

MASTER O: I got to pick them out by myself. I got to choose the ones I liked.

Yep out of the mouths of babes.  You see, he goes to a school (which like so many schools) now prescribe every item you buy.  You just tick a box on the school book list and the whole Back To School pack arrives at your door.  Literally. No annual back to school shopping expedition to choose the all important pencil case, the latest trend backpack, clipboard colour, novelty crayons or pencils.  You just get what your given, the exact same products, as every other child in your class.  

Master O’s school is marvellous for parents like myself with OCD tendencies.  We are given very specific instructions for everything from the bag they use, the shoes they wear, the socks, the hair ties, the everything.

Last year we even had instructions for book covering and labelling.

Yep, BORING!  CLEAR CONTACT and yes even WHERE to place the label.  Maybe it was me who wrote this handbook? VERY SPECIFIC. VERY OCD?

So when did the fun dissappear from Back To School shopping?  When did practicality and purpose suddenly over take individuality and creativity. No individual choices to be made to reflect your personality, style or creativity.   No covering your books with the latest pop star posters out of TV Hits.  (Do they still have TV hits?) Your book cover said a lot about who you were.  What you liked, or who you LOVED! 

So with a glimmer of hope,  I searched the Year 1 book list, looking for those all too specific book covering instructions.  THEY ARE NOT THERE.   Missing in between the list requesting headphones? and 22 books, was the book covering instructions.  Do not alert the authorities, I will survive and in fact, I am taking it as a sign and grabbing this little slice of back to school freedom with two hands.  

The result, this year we are going a little crazy on book covers.

Yep book covers, because there is no way I could handle contact. Those creases, the air bubbles, the trying to peel it back only to take half of the cover with it. Not Going There.  Book covers simply slip over the book.  Are long lasting and oh so quick and easy.

So with the help of his Web Savvy mother, Master O found…..

And promtply started his very long list of requests.

 I’ll take one of The Krazy Kritters. 

OMG They have LEGO!!!! I LOVE LEGO, can I have two of these?

and for my scrapbooks, I like….GOOGLE EYES!!!! There is a soccer google eyes! Mummy look at the soccer google eyes!

and yes that is EXACTLY how the conversation goes.

One very happy, robot liking, lego loving, soccer fanatic, MASTER O.

Oh and if you still want to decorate your books with magazine pictures they even have clear covers! 

I have a lot of expereince with book covers.  Over the last few years their increase in poularity has found them being the most popular book covering choice in my classroom.   I love that by the end of the first term you can hold up a book and the whole class can tell you whose book it is by the cover!  Guitars? that’s Noah’s,  Fairies? they’re Jessica’s.

A tiny slice of belonging, of individuality and creativity,  a minute expression of who they are and what they like, all wrapped up in a book cover.  

Would you LOVE for your child to WIN some of these creative and individual book covers?

2Kool4Skool are GIVING AWAY an amazing PRIZE PACK Valued at $160!!!


Simply ENTER via RAFFLECOPTER below and tell me….

What would your child love on their school book covers?



a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was not paid to promote 2Kool4Skool  products. I was however gifted products of our choosing from the range thanks to 2Kool4Skool and Blogs and PR.