Change, hit me with your best shot.

This post has had about a million title changes.

“2013 The Year of Taking Control”, “New Year, New Life, New Me”, “Less Thinking More Doing.”

But really what I want to say is that this year will be different.  Very different.  Change is a coming to our family.  We are so grateful to have had such an amazing home, work, childcare situation over the last 6 years but it is changing for good.  Our “Nanny” is moving away,  I have left my job for 12 months and am now the main “child carer/house cleaner/chef/taxi driver” of the household, it is little Miss A’s last year at home and Master O is REALLY at school.

Not working sounds like a great idea.  Being a stay at home Mum is surely a dream.  Don’t get me wrong it is.  But it will also have its challenges.  I can no longer use work as a;

  • break from housework/child raising/temper tantrums
  • an excuse as to why the washing hasn’t be done
  • a reson as to why we are eating takeaway and not a home cooked meal
  • an extra financial boost for homewares/trips/fashion purchases/online shopping
  • a moment to have a coffee uninterrupted and accompanied by adult conversation.
I think I was so caught up in the dream of being at home I hadn’t really stopped to think about the disadvantages!  
But I am also ready to enjoy a new pace and a new brain space.  So I am embracing it, reveling in it, plunging myself into new ways of enjoying life by; 
  • Meal planning with more gusto and attempting to cook and eat in a more healthy way
  • Managing my time better, especially my online time
  • Spending more time playing, teaching, being with the kids
  • Spending more time outside.
  • Developing great household routines
  • Nurturing friendships and family by staying in better contact.
  • Looking after myself
  • Gaining better control over the family finances, spending less, saving more

They aren’t in any particular order.  They all need to find their place in my life.  They aren’t resolutions or even goals.  They are just changes.  Some little, some big, some will require more time or work, some will just mean letting go of old habits.  
But change, as scary as it is, needs to happen.  I am craving it.  I don’t just want to think about it or write it down.  I want to do it, live it, make it happen.  So 2013, I am ready for change.  Hit me with your best shot.