Change, hit me with your best shot.
This post has had about a million title changes.
“2013 The Year of Taking Control”, “New Year, New Life, New Me”, “Less Thinking More Doing.”
But really what I want to say is that this year will be different. Very different. Change is a coming to our family. We are so grateful to have had such an amazing home, work, childcare situation over the last 6 years but it is changing for good. Our “Nanny” is moving away, I have left my job for 12 months and am now the main “child carer/house cleaner/chef/taxi driver” of the household, it is little Miss A’s last year at home and Master O is REALLY at school.
Not working sounds like a great idea. Being a stay at home Mum is surely a dream. Don’t get me wrong it is. But it will also have its challenges. I can no longer use work as a;
- break from housework/child raising/temper tantrums
- an excuse as to why the washing hasn’t be done
- a reson as to why we are eating takeaway and not a home cooked meal
- an extra financial boost for homewares/trips/fashion purchases/online shopping
- a moment to have a coffee uninterrupted and accompanied by adult conversation.
- Meal planning with more gusto and attempting to cook and eat in a more healthy way
- Managing my time better, especially my online time
- Spending more time playing, teaching, being with the kids
- Spending more time outside.
- Developing great household routines
- Nurturing friendships and family by staying in better contact.
- Looking after myself
- Gaining better control over the family finances, spending less, saving more