Organising and Storing Wrapping Paper

 Christmas means one thing.  PAPER!  Of the wrapping variety and lots of it!  I am glad I am not the only one drowning in bits of wrapping paper.  One of the “My Pigeon Pair” FB flock today asked for ideas on how to organise and store wrapping paper!  Well luckily I know two AWESOME australian bloggers who have this topic covered!

First was Cassandra from Cassadiva!  She has creatively used the inside of a cupboard door to create this super organised and gorgeously practical wrapping station.  Read all the details here Cassadiva’s Wrapping Station

And this was such a great idea that it inspired the equally wonderful Liz From Bizzy Dayz.

Liz created this wrapping station using similar baskets on the inside of a door. I love the hooks for scissors and bits and pieces! 

But what if you don’t have a door to use??  How about these ideas…

An old wine bottle rack keeps rolls sorted


A rubbish bin, bucket or any round container keeps them contained



These plastic bag container from ikea are the perfect size for wrapping paper rolls.

Source: via Jana on Pinterest


How about a piece of wire or elastic inside a cupboard to hold them all upright?

Source: via Tami on Pinterest


What about the scissors, tape and all those bits and pieces? How about using a shower caddy!

Source: via Kami on Pinterest


So did that help, inspire or just make you envious!

How do you store wrapping paper in your house? We would love your suggestions!