A Bundle of Pink

Truth be told, I ALWAYS wanted a little girl.  

Oh how I love Master O but I still yearned for some pink.  Nails to paint, dresses to be worn, dancing costumes purchased and hair to be brushed, clipped and bowed.  

Finally after what seemed an eternity, I was pregnant.  The pregnancy was “possible but highly improbable”.  After that enternity we now had another 9 months of waiting. For 9 months, we prayed, held our breath and tried not to expect too much.  Just waiting to know that our baby would be born healthy and without complication. And SHE was.  

We were so happy that the baby was here we forgot to ask the doctor for the first five minutes wether it was a boy or a girl.  We were just too happy, excited, relieved and exhausted.  She was here, the most precious bundle of pink.

Amongst the toilet training, bed invading and tantrums I sometimes forget just how lucky we are.  But yesterday I caught myself in that moment, where it catches you by surprise admidhits you in full force.  As I brushed and clipped and bowed her mess of curls, her little luscious eyelashes looking up at me, I was reminded.  

She is perfect, she is a miracle, she is ours.

Linking up with 

My Little Drummer Boys

 Ok so I tried to be wordless!!!