Organising Soft Toys
Just when I thought the house was getting close to being organised…
Early one morning “My Pigeon Pair” led me to what had been hiding in the cupboard of the Spare Bedroom.
Surely all these toys do not belong to JUST TWO CHILDREN! Are they multiplying whilst we sleep! The cupboard itself was a mess but the toys were the first things to be tackled.
Sort. We sorted through and each child had to choose SEVEN yes seven they were willing to donate. We then divided the remaining toys into two categories. Memory Toys and Play Toys. Memory toys are the teddies and dolls that have been special gifts that we want to keep but don’t necessarily play with them all the time. Play toys are ones that get used on a regular basis (mainly dolls and animals in this house!)
Donate. Great timing that we are having a neighbourhood donate and pick up drive this week! They were bagged up ready to go to a new home!
Store. The “Memory Toys” were boxed up into a large plastic storage contianer. There werent enough to divide into a container for each child. So they are all in together! The “Play Toys” were placed into a “Under Bed Storage Container” for each child. I asked them to help me with this task and divided them into a container each.
Each child now has a toy container under their bed! This allows them to be out of the cupboard but still stored away out of sight and not under foot! Each child can access the toys easily when it is time to play!
These containers cost $12 each from “The Reject Shop”
I can’t believe that a job that had been haunting me for so long was actually quite easy to complete! The boxes are even a bit of a novelty for the kids! Now it’s on to the clothes! I have started but it is truly a week long process!