Organise Any Drawer in 3 Easy Steps

This household is riddled with germs.  One by one we have succumbed to the yearly flu.  I was lucky last.  Finally today I see a light under the pile of tissues.  On the “My Pigeon Pair” Facebook page I asked for the “flock” to send me their questions! 

Nikki asked for help organising the top drawer of her desk!  EASY!  There are really only 3 easy steps to organising any drawer!

1. Empty, Cull, Sort

Empty all the contents out.  Now put your brave pants on and get ruthless. Cull everything that you have not used in the last 3 months.  Does it work?  Do you use it?  Now sort the remaining items into “alike” groups, categories.

2. Containerize.

This is the KEY!  Having containers gives everything in the drawer a place and helps to keep it there!  Measure your drawer.  Make a list of all the categories for your drawer. Head to your local dollar store.  Buy an assortment of containers that will each fit a praticualr category.  Where possible do not combine multiple categories in the one container.  The more specific each containers contents are the easier it will be to maintian the drawer.

3. Label.

This is for the obesessive Organisers like me.  Label the containers.  This will help insure that each item returns to its rightful place and make it easier to find objects in a quick minute!

There you have it!  I am guessing once you have the containers that this would be a 15 minute job!   All these images can be found on Pinterest a great place to find Organising Inspiration.
Happy Organising!