Perfectionists aren’t Pretty

I’m not one to “write” wordy or personal blog posts but I just felt like I wanted to share. By now you know that I have the tendancy to become easily obsessed with “things”.  Well not just things but thoughts, ideas, plans just about anything.  The problem is I spend so much time on the planning,  I run out of time for the action.

It appears I am a daydreamer?  I like to think of myself as a prolific planner, it sounds better.  This applies to everything blog ideas, meal planning, decorating, organising, lesson plans.  I have a lot of ideas, but the time I spend making sure there are exactly like my vision means that they rarely put into action.  That’s why it has been a little quiet in here.  My head is brimming with ideas but the time spent waiting for a GREAT BLOG WORTHY one means that all the little things go unnoticed and the blog remains empty.  That is about to change…

We have also been making some BIG decisions for our little family.  Life Changing.  In my pursuit to “have it all” and ” be everything” I have been feeling like I am missing it all.  Missing the point of being a mother. I am so busy preparing for the future the now is flying by.  These years go way to quickly….

and finally, the HOUSE our HOME.  Part of embracing our current”season” as a fmaily is realising we can not afford expensive things, or delicate things or those things that I thought were so important to me.  They are just things.  So we will instead surround ourselves with the things we love, regardless of how they mesh with our decor, or how cheap they are.

So thats our update.  Starting form now we are going to make decisions in our life to simplify, live in the now, enjoy, appreciate and be grateful.  They may be just words but I plan on turning them into actions.