An Organised Wardrobe
I have been having serious Organising withdrawls. Life as been overwhelmingly busy. Leaving little time for organising projects! But then I remembered I had a project that I hadn’t shared yet! Creating an Organised Wardrobe!
We are very lucky to have a large walk in wardrobe in our Master Bedroom. It has a double door opening, shelves on either side and hanging racks on three sides. It also has a shelf on top of the hanging rack for extra storage right up to the ceiling! Having space is one thing, but sometimes the more space you have the harder it is to keep it all organised. Here is what this little corner of our house looked like before…clean freaks beware, this is a disaster zone!
Trust me it was actually a lot worse than this! This is the after/before photo shot! You know the one when you have started the job and then realised you should have taken a before photo! First things first. I always start with a plan.
STEP 1. The Culling and Sorting. The first phase of this project was the sorting, culling, sending off to charity. I was ruthless. Hence all those coat hangers on the floor and the random piles. I was lucky that I had already completed this part of the project, because it was big! You can read PART ONE of this adventure HERE.
STEP 2. The Folding. Second step was to tackle the clothes that are folded in the wardrobe. This actually meant….
Sorting into piles and refolding all the clothes (using my FlipFold of course!)
Place the newly folded piles onto the shelves and then of course….
STEP 3. The Labelling. Make some labels!
Laminated them, re cut and then attached them to the shelves using…
Self adhesive velcro dots. These are the handiest little product. Why velcro dots? I have used them so that next time I want to reorganise the wardrobe I can just detach and move the labels around!
We have TOP SHELF: Sleeveless, Short Sleeved, Long Sleeved Shirts
MIDDLE SHELF: Jeans and Long Pants
BOTTOM SHELF: Pyjamas and Track Pants
STEP 4. The Smalls. The next thing to tackle was this array of bits and bobs otherwise known as “smalls”! You know the socks, stockings, underwear, swimwear, slips etc?I was already using these fantastic containers from IKEA. They are awesome BUT…this shelf is just at my eye height, I could never see exactly what was in them, they were a mess! I had just given up and had started throwing anything into any container. There was a lot of sorting and culling involved here! How many pairs of stockings can one person need?
Once sorted and cleaner, like the shelves I have attached the labels with velcro dots to the front of each container! Now I know what goes in each one!
STEP 5. The Hanging. This was a fiddly job, is it wrong to say that I actually enjoyed it? Contrary to popular belief this is my wardrobe AFTER the culling and AFTER I moved some items to our second wardrobe (Heavy jackets, formal gowns etc)
Can anybody say hoarder?