Organising the Washing.

There are two jobs in our house that never seem to end…..

The first is cleaning up the kitchen the second, well the second is the bane of my existence, the washing.  I swear the washing mocks me.  Just as one load is finished, hung, folded and put away, I go to sleep and wake to a pile that seems hauntingly similar to the previous days.  It just never goes away.

I have never been very organised at doing the washing, generally because I just hated doing it so much, that I would procrastinate, leave it until the weekend and then spend two days drowning in dirty clothes.  

But I am trying to change.  Maybe its because I have realised that there is always going to be washing so I may as well get used to it or maybe its because I am sick of running out of clean clothes!  So here is what I have learnt…..

1.  Always finish what you start.  I have a bad habit of putting the washing on and then forgetting about it only to realise in the middle of the night that it is still in the washing machine!  I now send myself reminders on the phone and have established a routine to help me remember to actually finish the washing!!!

2. Use a good quality washing detergent.  This saves you time and money.  I use Cold Power.  I am only a recent convert.  Until then I used washing powder from the dollar store.  Yep I am tight with money even when it comes to washing powder.  Problem was I found myself using soakers, stain removers or washing clothes twice to get them really clean so ultimately I was actually spending more money!

3. Fold straight off the line.  I can still remember my Mum (with 4 kids) folding our clothes straight off the line and putting them each into our own named basket.  The organising gene doesn’t fall far from the tree!!! If I wash every day, it is only half a clothes line of washing.  By folding straight off the line that part of the job is done.  Nothing to procrastinate about!  I find it easier to look at a pile of folded washing than a basket overflowing with washing hastily pulled off the line!

4. Deal with stains stright away.  You know those emergencies! Wine, lipstick, mud, wine.  Ok maybe I have a lot of problems with red wine!  I recently stumbled upon a good app from Cold Power that provides a guide to stain removal that gives you a simple step by step process to save your clothes.  We have a lot of stains in our house!!

…………and if your really curious my washing routine goes like this.

  • Washing load done first thing in the morning.
  • Hung up after school drop off.  Whilst Little Miss A helps me!  It’s lovely outside at this time of day in the winter sun!
  • Clothes taken off line and folded, after school, whilst kids play in yard.
  • Clothes put away, just before bath time, everybody helps!
  • and repeat….EVERY DAY!!!!

If your interested in other washing routines the Cold Power app also gives you energy saving tips to help establish good washing routines that save you time, money and of course ENERGY!  You can download it for free HERE!.

and because when I am on to a good thing I love to share it with you so…..

You could win a 6 Months Supply of Cold Power Washing Powder

AND a $50 prepaid VISA Card!!!!

Enter via Rafflecopter below and tell us what your biggest washing disaster has been??

Can you guess mine??

 Employees of Cold Power (Colgate Palmolive) are not eligible to enter. By entering this competition you accept these Terms and Conditions  

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