Managing The Family Finances – Part 2 – Creating a Family Finance Folder

This project has been a long time in the making.  In fact it is my third attempt to organise the “paper” clutter that comes with receiving mail and bills!!!  

The first attempt started with some simple file folders.  They quickly became cluttered, hard to access and it was just too hard working with up to 8 different folders! Everything ended up in the “to file” category!

The second attempt was the “Home Folder”.  This was a simple folder in our “Organisation Station” that contained divided categories and plastic pockets.  This was working but needed improvement!  More categories, more plastic pockets, a budget calendar and a list of important details was needed!!!  So that led me to create our third attempt……

I have chosen this style of filing system after the great success of our

“School File It Folder”

To create this “Family Finance Folder” you will need;

1. An A4 Ring Binder Folder with a clear insert on the front.

2. A packet of A4 PLastic pockets

3. A packet (or two!) of EXTRA WIDE tabbed folder dividers!  They must be EXTRA WIDE if you want to be able to see the tabs when the folder is closed.

4. OPTIONAL – A clear plastic envelope made for ring binders.

5. OPTIONAL – Scrapbook Paper for the Front and labelmaker for the tabs.

To really make the system work you will also need a clipboard!  I have two kinds a plain one that I decorated with scrapbook paper and a groovy one found in the office section of Big W!

This folder is customised for your families needs so sit down with your paper work, sort it into piles and figure out which categories you will need in your folder.  Grab your supplies (all can be found at BIG W or Officeworks!) and get ready to conquer the paper clutter!

In the next installment I will show you how we use the “Family Finance Folder“…trust me it will change your life!!!