I am grateful for Pillow Pets.

It started with one.  Smuggled on a domestic flight in the carry on luggage.  A birthday gift for Little Miss A.  A pink and purple hybrid. A butterfly Pillow Pet.  She loves it with all her heart.  She cuddles it, sits on it. takes it to bed, pushes it in her pram and strokes its cushiony wings, lovingly. 

Somehow before I could say it’s a pillow, it’s a pet, it’s a pillow pet, they had mutiplied.

A monkey that looks like a dog, a dog that looks well interesting and something orange?  Some authentic, some imitation.  My kids don’t discriminate. 

They have casued arguments. They have had milk spilt on them and the ensuing pleas for help have screamed form inside the dryer.  But yetI am grateful. 

I am grateful that my kids imaginations allow them  to believe that a pillow could really be a pet. (That requires love, daily walks and the occasional sip of pretend water)

I am grateful that they still want stufeed animals.  They don’t make noise, dont hurt anyone and dont require batteries. Oh and they dont require Mum’s password to download it onto the ipod.

I am grateful for the way they cushion my head, support my body and cover my legs as I line them up on the floor of Little Miss A’s room to create an impromptu mattress.

But most of all I am just grateful for the momets when I catch My Pigeon Pair” innocently playing with such simple toys.    For indulging in the imaginary sceanrios of monkeys overboard or I am told to be quiet because the butterfly is sleeping.   For overhearing the sharing of whispered secrets amoungst stuffed animal friends.

For I can only hope this innocence lasts longer than the fad itself.

I am in no way associated with the Pillow Pet people and was not paid for this post.  But I am more than willing to hunt down whoever created that catchy and annoying jingle!

 Linking up with Maxabella for