Step Inside Our Home ~ Entry and Living Room

This year I am going room by room transforming our house into a home.  

Lucky for me I have enlisted the help of an interior decorator (more about that special lady soon) Pinterest and YOU!  


I need practical, beautiful and inexpensive ideas to decorate our home! So here it is in all its beige glory. 

The Entry Way.

I love this space which is bright and open with high ceilings.  We had this table before we had the house and I LOVE it!  But is it too small for this big space?  I love white but could it do with more colour.  We cant decide between a photo, art or mirror in the space between the welcome sign and table.

Opposite the entry way is this little picture box.  At Christmas I bought this picture for the space.  It is on the old hook so it needs to be centred but it also needs something else!  A wallpaper feature, paint, ANYTHING!!!

Tis is another picture box on the other side of the staircase and a lovely hole we have patched up from an old baby gate and the new baby gate bracket (we have now taken down the gate).  I use this space for our seasonal display’s but I would love a more permanent vignette in here!  The column to the right is one of two that separate the entry form the living room.

Living Room – First Wall.

You can see the picture box here and this is the first wall.  Back in January I put up this IKEA shelf and thats all we have done!  This wall is quite large and that chair looks so lonely! If you sit in the chair you are directly opposite the television.

Living Room – Main Wall

Introducing the “Great Wall of IKEA” otherwise know as our Liatorp unit.  WE LOVE THIS UNIT!  It houses everythign BUT we really want to put cupboard doors on the top section.  At the moment to much display area is shown and it looks to cluttered for me!

So what do you think, I would love any suggestions on ways to make this space feel more homely, stylish and add some colour!

So hit me with it!