Storing the Soft Toys ~ Pinspiration

As part of our playroom transformation we are looking for ideas on how to creatively and effectively store the massive pile of soft toys!  Besides sending them out for adoption to some other kind families, we have come up with nothing!  So of course it was off to “Pinterest” for some Pinspiration! 

I love this one as it is cheap, effective, stylish and moveable!!!  I love anything on castors as it makes cleaning up and playing easier and more flexible! Source: via Larissa on Pinterest

I recently saw something exactly like this at Howards Storage world in gorgeous pastel pink colours!  Too big for our room but if you had the space it is brilliant!

Just have to cull them to use this clever idea.  You could even use wooden or plastic buckets!  By putting them up on the wall it also becomes part of the design and not just storage!

Source: via Larissa on Pinterest

Another amazing idea that I have seen other Mummy’s create in their playroom!  A hanging planter basket drilled onto the wall is a perfect size for soft toys! I am pretty sure I have seen this in “Lime Tree Kids” playroom!

Source: via Larissa on Pinterest

Well this playroom is divine on all counts but those hanging baskets would be perfect!  A size larger and a little lower this would be a great solution for us!  Or even hanging them vertically with big kids toys on top and babies toys on the bottom!

Source: via Larissa on Pinterest

So what do you think? Which idea would work for you?