A whole heap of grateful

It’s been a while since I have  written a “grateful” post. It’s not because I am spoilt or ungrateful but just because Saturday’s are crazy busy and follow two hectic work days for me. But last night, full of exhaustion form a mentally straining day at work, a I couldn’t help but feel a whole heap of grateful.  Cause hey I have a job, that I love, that pays good money, that allows me to enrich the lives of the important little beings there are on this planet, children!

Work.  It sounds crazy but work is my “break”.  Ten minutes in the car, by myself, and no Hi-5 music.  It is wearing lipstick and blow drying my hair.  It is enjoying a hot coffee, sitting down and catching up with friends.  It is laughing, at grown up jokes and stories that don’t involve “My sister stole my trash bags” (what is it with those weird toys kids collect) or even worse as I write this “There is a naked baby jumping on the trampoline!” Yes sometimes 25 children are easier than two!

Friends.  I am so blessed to be able to say I work with my best friends. They are always there to share and praise  when you surprise yourself with a teaching moment that is priceless. To support each other when things don’t go according to the plan (and they rarely do). Consoling each other when it all just falls apart.  We have been through dating, engagements, weddings, births, divorces, illness and deaths.  All whilst trying to plan, teach and engage a waiting class of busy and excitable children.

Little People.  Don’t get me wrong, I wake up sometimes and wonder how I will make it through the day.  After a night of constantly waking to little people, I then have to face 25 of them all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  But then they will tell you a hilarious story (usually only hilarious to you as they are quite serious about the events) give you a picture they have drawn just for you, or tell you that the love your toe nail polish. True Story.

Knowledge.  My head is full of it.  Some usefull some useless. Getting it and passing it on. The little people are full of it.  Just ask them why the sky is blue?  I am sure they know the answer.  My brain is constantly being topped up with the latest curriculum, pedagogy, teaching strategies, research.  Yesterday my knowledge bank was overflowing with thoughts on my  FAVOURITE part of teaching and learning and well life.  

READING!  The times change, the teaching methods change, the curriculum changes, but the research remains the same.  READ TO YOUR CHILDREN.  Every day in Every way.  JUST READ!  Everyone has a story of a parent who claims “reading is just another thing we have to do in our busy afternoons” “Can’t they just read to themselves” “Why would you need more books?” let the cringing begin.  You can never read enough, you can never have enough books, reading is to be enjoyed and is THE GREATEST GIFT YOU WILL EVER GIVE TO YOUR CHILD.  Oh how I am sooooo very grateful my parents gave me that gift!

Now as I face another day, after another sleepless night, fuelled only by Nescafe and the incessant whinging of two little people, I will try and remember, what I just wrote and be grateful, a whole heap. Oh and