Meal Planning Menu Boards!

We LOVE meal planning!  It saves us time, money and our sanity!  Our current meal planning system is working BUT it could always be better!  We have the concept down pat, but I need a better way of rotating meals and displaying the finished weekly list! Look at how these clever Mum’s have solved that problem….

Source: via Larissa on Pinterest


                          Source: via Larissa on Pinterest


                                                                                                                                        Source: via Larissa on Pinterest



Naturally the last one in all it OCD organising glory is my favourite but who am I kidding I don’t have time to create that!!!

I am thinking maybe the peg idea added to my current clipboard system? Print out some of our regular and new recipes and then peg them onto the clipboard?

Will let you know how I go, but don’t hold your breath…it’s school holidays and I am too busy mediating fights over easter eggs and it’s not even Easter yet!!!

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Tina Gray {dot} Me