Lunch Box Love

 Due to popular demand (I have always wanted to write that!) here are the download links for the lunchbox plans!  

The first link is for a blank lunch box plan.  It includes the four columns to help you create a balanced lunch box.  

Weekly Lunch Box Plan – BLANK 


If you wanted to save on printing…..laminate the blank plan and write on it each week with a whiteboard marker!

The second link is for a weekly plan is one that I have filled in.  

Weekly Lunch Box Plan – With MENU

Once again just, Just CLICK (the link above), DOWNLOAD AND PRINT!

These are my tips for planning healthy and easy lunches for school or Kindy.

1. Think about using leftovers in the lunchbox!

2. Think outside the box!  Ham, cheese, fruit and vegetables can all be cut into shapes using cookie cutters or put on food picks to make it more exciting!

3. Less is more!  Kids do not need a lunch box that is overflowing!  You will just be disapointed with what comes back home.  Think realistically about how much they eat at home and pack a similar amount!

 4. Variety is the key!  If you have children who are creatures of habit (like mine) it is hard to change their lunch!  But just add one new thing each week and you might just find their palate increasing!

5. Do not pack foods that require heating, cutting or are overly messy to eat.  It is important that the food is suitable to the age of your child and that they can eat it by themselves!

There are so many great resources out in the blogosphere providing many ideas and inspirational recipes.  I warn you now this Bento Browsing is addictive!

For ideas and Bento supplies – 

The one blog YOU CAN NOT MISS –

Gorgeous Kids Bento –

For peanut free Bento –

Ok so now I have a lot of Bento links!-

General Lunch box Recipes –