Enter our home….

What is the first thing you see as you walk in your front door?  A place of function or great design?  Is it inviting?  Tell something about who you are?

Well ours is bland.  We have a gorgeous chandelier and a lovely french antique table but as a display area it lacks well…..everything! I want it to be a place that looks good all year round.  Something easy to change with the seasons and celebrations.  So yet again I go looking for some pinspiration…

6th Street Design School

Simple decor as the statement mirror and elegant table say it all. 


I would love for our entry table to be a place to display family photos!

Good Girl Gone Glad

LOVE LOVE LOVE, this is my kind of colour pallette and style.  Love that simple mirror and the wallpaper is divine!

6th Street Design School

I would love a mirror over the table but am worried about the mess we might see in the reflection!

Country Girl Home

Symmetry meets classic and elegant decor.

the house of smiths

I love the idea of a picture rail.  That way I can easily change frames and pictures with the seasons without dealing with hooks in the wall!

and who would be the queen of all things photo display?

Becky Higgins

Becky Higgins of course!  Becky is the mastermind behind Project Life!  I love this novel idea, of frames within a frame.  I have the perfect spot for this!  Its a picture box with a very ordinary photo in it at the moment.  I am thinking some wall paper and matching frames will look amazing in our space!

So what’s on your entry table?

Ooh, that's Pinterest...ing!