10 things I know… that you may not ~ About Me.
I was tagged. As fast I tried to run (I will obviously never make the olympic sprint team) they got me. Well to be specific “The HOME She Made” tagged me in this little game. So here goes…… ten things about me.
1. Last month was the first time in 7 years I had my hair professionally coloured. I ALWAYS do it myself, the cheap way, out of a box, at home. Even worse for the last 7 years it has always been the same colour. Good old “Brazil” I am a massive spend thrift and I would rather be unhappy with the job I did myself than be unhappy with a $100 hair colour. Oh and I don’t like change and rarely leave the house without makeup.
2. I was at uni for 6 years. Mostly because although I don’t like change I changed uni courses 4 times! Screen production, Law, Journalism and finally Education. I even through in a Semester of French and Modern Cinema just for good measure. Leave no stone unturned. I loved uni but wish I could say I was a dedicated student. Uni days a re a mixed memory of share houses, tight budgets, eating fish and chips whilst gossiping with friends in the cafereria, and cutting lectures to go shopping. I now have two degrees, a huge HECS bill, and an aversion to Vodka and Red Bull.
3. I have watched every episode of every season of Sex and The City, The O.C, The Hills, The City and The Real Housewives of New York and New Jersey. I am a reality/trashy tragic! Escapism at it’s best!
4. I have lived in 17 houses. The last one, the family home we built, is the longest I have ever lived in one place. All that moving meant it was always high on my priority list to own my own home. I have had a mortgage since I was 22. I love having a place yo call my own and the stability that comes with it but it has come with a lot of sacrifices, including never having money to throw around or travel extensively overseas. One day!
5. Growing up I LOVED public speaking. Yes I am truly strange. I would volunteer to speak at school on assembly and entered many public speaking competitions, debates and eisteddfods. Somewhere betwen uni and adult hood, I did a complete turn around and I now fear it! Give me a class of 25 kids and I can stand and speak all day but adults…no way! I avoid theatre restaurants or any of those type of events where they pick people out of the audience!
6. I am a book worm. I LOVE to read and always have. My favourite presents growing up were always books. Now its blogs, magazines, newspapers, articles, journals, books anything I can get my hands on and find time for! I have a slightly obsessive personality and once I start I can’t stop wether its a book, a series or my ever growing blog roll!
7. My obsession extends to coffee. I LOVE coffee and can not function without it. I gave up coffee cold trukey when pregnant with Master O for the first trimester. I had headaches, was irritable and just plain horrible. I have never attempted that again. I love the smell, the taste, trying new varieties and the social nature of sitting down with a friend over a cup of coffee. I am not a coffee snob (those cheap uni days did that to me) and although I love a GOOD coffee, will drink any kind.
8. I am very impatient. So is my husband! As soon as we have an idea we have to do it then and now! Which is not always a good thing! Impatience is really not a good virtue when dealing with children so I am working on it.
9. I am a busy person. I love to work, on a million things at once. I love my sleep but I don’t like to sit still. If I am watching TV I am usually blogging or twittering at the same time. If I am doing the washing up I am also writing blog posts in my head or talking on the phone. I always have a million projects on the go. I find it hard to say no and find myself ending up on committees or volunteering for projects I really don’t have time for. I love my job and I love being a working Mum.
10. I LOVE to talk. Apparently I was an early talker and never stopped. There is no such thing as a short conversation on the phone with me! Sometime I can see this overflows into my writing! Taking a a day off blogging is almost impossible and my Wordless Wednesday posts ae never wordless!
SO now you know more about me…..was it what you were expecting?
I am now tagging…..
Tina..Tina Gray Dot Me
Kirsty…Coffee Drinking Mummy To Five
Kellie….The Good, The Bad and the Unnecessary
Erin…Imperfectly Erin and
Norlin…Just Us Kids Online